Jason Hitch, a former cast member of TLC's hit reality series 90 Day Fiancé, tragically passed away this week at the age of 45. TLC confirmed his death on Thursday. According to reports from TMZ, Hitch's sister, Shannon, shared the sad news, revealing that he died on Tuesday in a Florida ICU after struggling with complications from COVID-19. She also disclosed that Jason was not vaccinated. Hitch, an Army veteran, appeared in the second season of 90 Day Fiancé, where he married Cassia Taraves, a woman he met from Brazil. The couple's journey was documented as Cassia moved to Florida to live with Jason. However, they eventually filed for divorce in 2018, marking the end of their relationship. Fans and friends are now mourning the loss of Jason Hitch, who captured hearts with his appearance on the beloved reality show.